The Bakeshop by Woops

Posted on: Sunday, March 23, 2014

終於有時間可以繼續我們的頗即興三人行之旅:) 原本想去參與city 內的events,可惜最想參加的coffee & tea fair 要門票之餘還已一早售罊,最後還是回到百去不厭的Williamsburg,今次還去發掘更多新地方。

一走出Subway 就看見這間外牆全白的bakeshop,幸好我們三個從來也非百分百跟著計劃走的人,因此我們放棄原來的目的地,直接走進這兒試一下!看見這些又大又厚的Cookies 經已垂涎三尺,相當吸引!


好友點了waffle 和mini brownies,而我則點了手掌那麼大的Red velvet cookies。

Coffee bud 的妹妹於Instagram 留下了 "Cheney with his ladies~~~ :)",永遠的鐵腳們啊 <3

不評論其咖啡,這red velvet cookies 絕對是令我會再光顧的原因!體積大與外觀吸引都不在話下,外脆內軟的,而且裡面還是很moisture。

天呀!中間還有cream cheese 呢!看到鄰座的在吃triple chocolate cookie,內裡更有朱古力漿,整件事也太邪惡了吧。看到照片已經忍不住想立即再去買.........

旅程才剛開始,下一站才是是日重點!stay tune my friends :)

The Bakeshop by Woops
548 Driggs Avenue
Brooklyn, NY11211


  1. i love creamcheese!!! and it's in cookiesssssss, so special, so wanna try it man!~haha

    1. This was sooooooooo good! I was planning to go stop by before class but suck in time management haha :P

  2. Creamcheese inside red velvet cookies!!!
    Omg! What a combination!!! drooling...!

    1. this was actually my first time to try red velvet - i was totally tempted by its color! and it turned out tasted so damn good! ;9

  3. Thanks for such a great writeup about our Bakeshop and with such great pictures too!! We appreciate you spreading the word. Hope you visit again soon!! ~ The Bakeshop by Woops!

    1. Thanks for the comment! Not sure if you understand what I wrote but the photos do tell how much we like the vibes of the store and the cookies :) No doubt I will def be back for that giant red velvet cookie and to spread the word to even more friends xxx

    2. I used Google Translate, which was really runny, since it translates other languages in the most *interesting* ways, but I got the idea!! ;-)) Looking forward to seeing you again soon!

    3. Woops -- I meant...funny....not runny. LOL. I guess that's why we're called Woops! ;-)

    4. I just checked it out on Google Translate and yes it is bad but really funny! I will be back very soon for sure - please say hi to me if you recognize me so that I knew who I have been e-meeting with on my blog ;P


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