第一個網誌於中一開始,那時候爸爸患癌,而我就靠在HKflash 上跟朋友分享的的情感。
然後來到Xanga,情感最表露無遺就在那兒,所有開心、傷心,所有Public、Private、Protected post,都一一記載中學以及在美國居住頭三年的回憶。
而Y!Blog,雖然對其function 又愛又恨,不過我在那兒結識了很多blogger 朋友,還見證過很多小朋友們成長。
最後,來到Blogspot,就是想繼續跟大家分享我的生活 :)
。The 52 Project 九成的相片都用iPhone 拍攝,夾雜著iPhone 4s/5s
。博文的有用過Canon 450D、Sony Nex-6 以及Sony DSC-RX100 M3
。博文的有用過Canon 450D、Sony Nex-6 以及Sony DSC-RX100 M3
。用上Photoshop CS6 作少量修飾(多數也只是調光和加強對比,有部分相片用上A Beautiful Mess The Fresh
Collection Actions (連結) 中的"Celeste")
Collection Actions (連結) 中的"Celeste")
。The 52 Project 裡則用PicFrame 併相 (連結)
Currently living and working in NYC, DALifeStyle is primarily used to share my life and the city to my friends and family in Hong Kong, where I came from in 2008. This is also a place where I can practice my mother language that I don't dare to give up - that's why all entries are typed in Traditional Chinese. If you are interested in my life and/or traveling to New York soon, follow me on Instragram where 95% of the content are in English. You can also reach me at dablogdalife@gmail.com. I will get back to you asap :)
Currently living and working in NYC, DALifeStyle is primarily used to share my life and the city to my friends and family in Hong Kong, where I came from in 2008. This is also a place where I can practice my mother language that I don't dare to give up - that's why all entries are typed in Traditional Chinese. If you are interested in my life and/or traveling to New York soon, follow me on Instragram where 95% of the content are in English. You can also reach me at dablogdalife@gmail.com. I will get back to you asap :)