Posted on: Sunday, April 5, 2015
經歷過地獄三月,一個quick escape 是必需的,好讓身心都得已遠離香港數天。由原本的日本或曼谷到現在的新加坡,再次體會到放假外遊不能ad hoc,特別是去日本,travel agent 說復活節想去日本早在一年前就要預訂酒店。從不按章行事的怎會想像到一年後的我還會否想去日本呢....
Anyways, caught an early flight and headed to Singapore! 下機後就要馬上衝到Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal 坐船到民丹島,六小時內坐了港陸空交通工具。
Posted on: Saturday, February 28, 2015
二月的首天就可以跟此soulmate 見面,很想念一起住的時光,大家亳不忌違以最不能見人的樣貌說心事。縱使以前同一屋簷下也不常常碰面,但現在要見個面卻難上加難... 下次都預留更多時間見面,只少可以多說幾個話題xx
Posted on: Saturday, January 31, 2015
The 12 Project - A photo series of my life, once a month, every month, in 2015
新的一年,當然想繼續有新的突破及提升自己。自覺運動得太少,在還有空閒的時間要動一下,跟媽咪biking 去。
The amazing 2014
Posted on: Sunday, January 4, 2015
↓ ↓ Scroll down for more fun moments in 2014 ↓ ↓
2014 was truly amazing... had footprints on 6 countries and 10 cities, received a BBA degree, crossed out a few items on my bucket list (skydiving yayy!!), met new awesome friends, had some quality times with my dear friends, got drunk a couple of times (ahem..), learned something new, not afraid to drive on highways anymore and literally enjoyed driving (thanks to LA), worked for 3 different companies (and hopefully the current one would last longer than the previous two...), had more self talks and be happier with more confident, and so on..
I did have quite a few downsides during the past 12 months but I have also learned to let go. The hurting aren't that bad anymore like when they were fresh; they have watered down through tears and talks and time actually heals. It's hard to hold on to the things and people that don't fit into your life anyways, at least I know how to handle when it comes again...
2015, I have hopes on you to be a more awesome year. Had my resolutions written in my diary and let's see how many can I accomplish. Happy New Year everyone :)
(I'll continue to update all those fun moments I had in 2014 that are unpublished, so scroll down on your next visit and see if you will find anything new)
I did have quite a few downsides during the past 12 months but I have also learned to let go. The hurting aren't that bad anymore like when they were fresh; they have watered down through tears and talks and time actually heals. It's hard to hold on to the things and people that don't fit into your life anyways, at least I know how to handle when it comes again...
2015, I have hopes on you to be a more awesome year. Had my resolutions written in my diary and let's see how many can I accomplish. Happy New Year everyone :)
(I'll continue to update all those fun moments I had in 2014 that are unpublished, so scroll down on your next visit and see if you will find anything new)